As an employer, you can help improve the health of your employees and create healthier communities by promoting physical activity in your workplace and surrounding community.
Did you know that worksite physical activity can improve employee health AND save you money? A healthier workforce means lower health care costs for you and your employees! It can also:
Increase employee productivity
Reduce absenteeism
Increase employee morale
Help you attract and keep high-quality employees
Having trouble encouraging physical activity? Try offering management support, access to facilities and social support programs. Paid activity breaks and short bursts of activity or stretching during meetings are two ideas to help you get started! You can also set up a walking club or competition to motivate employees to meet an individual or team goal.
Educate your employees about the benefits of safe physical activity on a regular basis. Some ideas include communicating about physical activity opportunities at work on in the community, providing information about accessibility for individuals with mobility or other limitations, and distributing information to employees who are working remotely about how to be physically active at their location of work.
Visit for more resources and stay tuned for upcoming featured blogs on our Move for Mental Health campaign!