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Support Suicide Prevention & Recovery Months in September


Be on the lookout for purple lights and ribbons on display throughout Franklin County in town centers, storefronts and porches during September as stakeholders work together to increase awareness of suicide prevention and recovery. The color purple highlights both national observances of Suicide Prevention Month and Recovery Month. The common thread which links suicide prevention and recovery efforts together is a shared understanding of the importance of mental health. Read more to learn how you can support suicide prevention and recovery efforts.  


Suicide Prevention 

Suicide is an urgent and growing public health crisis. More than 49,000 people in the United States died by suicide in 2022. That’s one death every 11 minutes. The good news is that suicide is preventable. Preventing suicide requires strategies at all levels of society. This includes prevention and protective strategies for individuals, families, and communities. Everyone can help prevent suicide by learning the warning signs, promoting prevention and resilience, and a committing to social change. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has developed a 10-year National Strategy which seeks to prevent suicide risk in the first place; identify and support people with increased risk through treatment and crisis intervention; prevent reattempts; promote long-term recovery; and support survivors of suicide loss. To help raise awareness about suicide prevention check out the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations Suicide Prevention Month toolkit.  


Mental Health Disorders and Substance Use Disorders 

Mental health and substance use disorders affect people from all walks of life and all age groups. These illnesses are common, recurrent, and often serious, but they are treatable, and many people do recover. Mental disorders involve changes in thinking, mood, and/or behavior. These disorders can affect how we relate to others and make choices. Reaching a level that can be formally diagnosed often depends on a reduction in a person’s ability to function because of the disorder. Learn more here about mental health and substance use disorders and here about prevention. With the right treatment, support, and resources, recovery is possible for everyone. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those in or seeking recovery from mental and substance use disorders. Use the Substance Abuse and Mental Services Administration National Recovery Month toolkit to help.  


How Can You Support Suicide Prevention & Recovery Efforts in Franklin County? 


Local Activities 

  • Change your lights to purple. Help raise awareness about suicide prevention and recovery during September by changing your lights to purple, the color of hope and awareness for suicide prevention and recovery. The Mental Health Association of Franklin/Fulton Counties is coordinating several activities including: 

    • Change Your Lights to Purple: Throughout September, switch your lights to purple, the color of hope and awareness for suicide prevention. Capture a picture and tag the Mental Health Association of Franklin & Fulton Counties on social media #franklinandfultongopurple. Want to participate but don’t have purple lights? No problem. Contact Alex at for a free purple light bulb.  

  • Suicide Awareness Month Movie Screenings at Waynesboro Theatre. See flyer here.

    • The Hours - September 6th at 7pm

    • A Man Called Otto - September 7th at 3pm & 7pm

    • Come Inside My Mind - September 8th at 4pm

  • Suicide Prevention Proclamation by the Franklin County Commissioners on September 18th at 6:30pm at 272 N. 2nd Street in Chambersburg

  • Recovery Spectacular FREE Community Event on September 7th, from 3pm to 7pm at Main Street Park in Waynesboro. See flyer here.

  • Promote the first-ever 988 Day on September 8th.  

    • 988 Day is a national initiative dedicated to raising awareness about the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and emphasizing the importance of mental health and suicide prevention. Join us on September 8, 2024, in sharing the theme "No Judgment. Just Help." and check this page for materials, tools, and ideas to support your own promotional efforts and activities on 988 Day. To see a recorded webinar about 988 Day look here. 

    • Help promote 988 by displaying 988 window clings in your business or organization on bathroom mirrors or door windows. Clings are available in English and Spanish and are FREE. Order form here.  

  • Attend FREE Suicide Prevention Training on September 8th at 12pm at Chambersburg YMCA. 

    • Learn Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR). Three simple steps anyone can use to help save a life. The intent is to identify and interrupt the crisis and direct that person to proper care. The training is being provided through a partnership with the Mental Health Association of Franklin/Fulton Counties. For more information, contact Jennifer Morey at  See flyer here.

  • Home Run Derby to Fight Drug Addition in Franklin Count Benefiting Gracie’s Place on September 14th at 8am at Nolro Park. See flyer here.  

  • 4th Annual Sober September on September 28th at 5pm at Cowan's Gap. See flyer here.

  • Free suicide prevention training, Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) can be facilitated in person or online.  

    • Mental Health Association of Franklin/Fulton Counties. Contact Alexandra Stanton, Suicide Prevention Specialist at 717-264-4301, ext. 227 or for more information. 

  • Advocate for Suicide Prevention and Mental Health on Capitol Day 2024 on October 2 at 10am in Harrisburg. See flyer here.

Need Help Now? 

National Crisis Line 

Contact the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline if you are experiencing mental health-related distress or are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support. Call or text 988 to speak with a trained crisis counselor for free 24/7/365. 

Local Supports 

  • Mental Health Help Line 717-264-2916 available evenings 5pm to 10pm. 

  • Keystone Health Crisis Intervention Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to help with each individual crisis situation. No appointment is necessary at 866-918-2555. 

  • Keystone Health Crisis Intervention Walk-in services are only available Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm. At 112 N. Seventh Street, Chambersburg, PA (in an office next to the Chambersburg Hospital Emergency Department. (It is not necessary to check-in at the Emergency Department to visit the Crisis Intervention office during these hours). 

  • Franklin/Fulton Drug and Alcohol Services are open Monday-Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm at 425 Franklin Farm Lane, Chambersburg or at 717-263-1256 or Information is also available by visiting the Franklin/Fulton Drug and Alcohol page at Individuals seeking immediate help for themselves or for someone they know should call PA Get Help Now at 800-662-4357. 



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